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March 06-08, 2025

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Invited Panel: "Reflections on Teaching Photography in Mexico"

Lourdes Baez, Gerardo Montiel Klint, and Juan Antonio Molina

Saturday, March 12 - 9:00AM to 10:45AM
Summerlin A

Photography mutates and is incessantly transformed, becoming a medium that allows society to appropriate time. In recent years, mobile devices have become accessible worldwide to the majority of the population; therefore, photographs build a horizontal plane of movement for the image and reconfigure the map of the collective imagination, as their uses and functions directly affect models of sociability and collective and individual memory.In a land of full of contrasts and mixtures, Mexican society is accustomed to coexistence of different worldviews where imaginations and traditions overlap, mingle, live quietly or violently collide. Recently, Mexico has undergone profound social, political and ideological changes; we are faced with a complex and contradictory social reality, which seems to explode in many directions.In recent years, the way of producing and consuming photography in Mexico is in a process of profound transformation that allows individuals form previously isolated communities to appropriate the means in order to articulate discourse on their reality. Currently photography expands exponential forms, and provides a particularly rich panorama of proposals and authors. Surfacing throughout the entire country are schools, groups, exhibitions, and publications of young photographers who use this medium to explore their identity, one in which they belong and participate in artistic and aesthetic discourse. Despite of the rich photography tradition, there are only a few cities where photography is considered a professional career. In Mexico, the training of photographers falls heavily on workshops, seminars or private schools.

Sponsored in part by SPE's Ad hoc International Committee


Gerardo Montiel Klint
Gerardo Montiel Klint

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