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2015 SPE Annual Conference Schedule

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Projecting the Sky: Photography and the Planetarium/Atmospherium

Chris Burnett

Saturday, March 14 - 9:00AM to 9:45AM
Celestin E

My presentation probes the planetarium (and its daytime counterpart, the atmospherium) as a theater of connections between photography and cosmology. From ancient times a deeply held "photographics" has animated cosmological beliefs concerning stars, planets, light, space, and time. These photographic figures took deeper root with photography's invention and blossomed into a rich set of photographic experimentation that illuminates planetaria as a hybrid of theater, optical apparatus, and visualization platform. To pursue these developments, I focus on several case studies involving early photography, the Celestographs of August Strindberg, the skyward chronophotography of Sharon Harper, and other cloud studies in contemporary photography.


Chris Burnett
Chris Burnett

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