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2025 Annual Conference


March 06-08, 2025

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Lure of the Local: Issues in Photographing the Familiar

Natalie Zelt, Aaron Blum, Eliza Lamb, Kurt Simonson, & Ashly Stohl

Saturday, March 14 - 9:00AM to 10:45AM
Celestin FGH

Photography is often a means for encountering and documenting the unknown. The camera can be a tool for exploration, an impetus for engagement with persons and places beyond the photographer's immediate sphere. But what changes when a photographer's focus shifts to familiar communities or intimate spaces? Does the act of photographing make a subject more familiar or does it create a new kind of distance? What does it mean to photograph from within a community, to allow the personal to define the boundaries of a project? This panel is comprised of four photographers whose recent work marks a shift in focus to intimate and personal geographies. These artists respond to what Lucy Lippard calls the 'lure of the local,' the particular significance of a person or place because of the photographer's invisible, affective connection. This panel, facilitated by a moderator, will encourage conversation about issues faced by photographers who document their community relationships and familiar spaces.


Aaron Blum
Aaron Blum
Ashly Stohl
Ashly Stohl
Eliza Lamb
Eliza Lamb
Kurt Simonson
Kurt Simonson
Natalie Zelt
Natalie Zelt

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