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2015 SPE Annual Conference Schedule

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ANTARCTICA: From "Whiteout" to "Bitch in Slippers"

Anne Noble

Friday, March 13 - 3:00PM to 3:45PM
Celestin BC

Antarctica and the Arctic are poignant markers of the impact of climate change in the 21st Century. While there is a growing awareness of the fragility of these environments, photography continues to project an image of heroic untouched wilderness that is often unwittingly informed by 19th and 20th Century literary narratives and visual conventions. In this presentation I will discuss the development and resolution of two Antarctic photographic projects, Whiteout / White Noise, and Bitch in Slippers, both outcomes of a search for new images and metaphors that provide a critical and imaginative frame through which to consider the fragility of the world's natural biological systems and our part in their rapid transformation.


Anne Noble
Anne Noble

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