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Past SPE Annual Conferences

2013 SPE Annual Conference Schedule

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Tricia Buchhorn with Libby Rowe & H. Jennings Sheffield:

"Don't Drink the Fixer: Teaching Fine Art Photography to an Educationally Under-Prepared Population"

Friday, March 08 - 3:00PM to 3:45PM
Red Lacquer

Tired of walking into a critique to face images of your campus's top five least visually interesting subjects? Exhausted by suggesting students may find a project due date in the syllabus? Bored to tears by explaining just showing up is not enough to earn a desired grade? Ever catch yourself daydreaming about telling a student to drink the fixer?
This discussion will focus on creative approaches and techniques that engage today's tech-savy students. Join us in a lively conversation regarding ways to bring students who lack a historical frame of reference to an understanding of the value of such information and context.

Define and cultivate in your students: the humility to learn; the confidence to break through self-imposed creative boundaries; and the ability to create successful solutions to course projects. With these achievements, students will begin to situate themselves within a historic context and speak intelligently about photography.


H. Jennings Sheffield
H. Jennings Sheffield
Libby Rowe
Libby Rowe
Tricia Buchhorn
Tricia Buchhorn

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