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March 06-08, 2025

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2011 SPE Annual Conference Schedule

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"Future Perfect: Photographs, Drawings, & Timelines"

Friday, March 11 - 3:00PM to 3:45PM
Capitol South

"Future Perfect" entails a sweep of three peculiarly troubling and evocative sites where human intervention has decidedly affected land use. The Las Vegas desert, Biosphere 2's (B2) experimental tracts, and Iceland's geothermal landscapes are worlds apart from each other. Natal's photographs establish unexpected but compelling resonances among these sites to distill and display our hopes, perceptions and misunderstandings of nature, suggesting both the potential and pitfalls of our future on earth. Natal's presentation will highlight her ongoing collaboration with the B2 Institute, melding the artist's studio and the scientific laboratory.


Judy Natal
Judy Natal

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