Thursday, March 04, 2010 @ 9:00am, Room 411-412
Dennis Keeley has worked as an artist, photographer, teacher and writer for more than 25 years. His work has been exhibited in numerous one-person and group shows, and he is published internationally in books and studies concerning urban circumstance and condition. His photographs in the book Looking for a City in America: Down These Mean Streets a Man Must Go (Getty Publications) won numerous awards. In addition to being the current chair of the Photography and Imaging Program at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, he is a former Western Regional co-chair of Society for Photographic Education and sits on the boards of the Los Angeles Music Center and the Angels Gate Cultural Center. In 2005 Keeley spoke at the United Nations NGO Conference about utilizing photography as a tool in peace building and nonviolent conflict resolution. This year, Keeley was the recipient of a research grant from the Annenberg Foundation.
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