Saturday, March 06 - 7:00PM to 8:00PM
Salon EF
In an age in which it would be superfluous to say that "diversity" has been achieved in the White
House, given Barack Obama's position as the titular head of that institution, it's time to turn away
from "diversity" as an operative objective and turn instead towards the more meaningful and
substantial goal of making institutional spaces ever more inclusive, to artists and audiences alike.
One way to accomplish this is to consider how in fact the institution's identity can be meaningfully
transformed and expanded conceptually by this enhanced inclusiveness. Inclusivity implies a desire
to actually change through institutional expansion, while diversity implies that those being brought
in have to simply fit into the normative and dominant paradigms. My presentation will examine
ways in which artists and institutions can create an ever more inclusive set of relationships and the
ways in which these enhanced relationships can benefit the larger social community.
Dialogue and critique are important to the SPE mission.
Please join the conversation.