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Past SPE Annual Conferences

2010 SPE Annual Conference Schedule

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"19th Century Photography in the 21st Century"

Thursday, March 04 - 4:30PM to 5:45PM
Salon AB

Bostick & Sullivan has been on the cutting edge of 19th Century photography for 30 years, providing high quality kits,
chemicals, and technical support to students, educators and professional photographers. Alternative process photography
has never been easier, thanks to the rapid advancement of digital imaging technology. The seminar will include an
overview of the traditional and contemporary methods for creating enlarged negatives for contact-printing in a wide
variety of alternative processes, with a focus on the latest techniques for making high-quality inkjet negatives. During
the live demonstration a digital image file will be used to create an inkjet negative, which will then be used to make a
handcoated alternative process print.


Dana Sullivan
Dana Sullivan


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