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2025 Annual Conference


March 06-08, 2025

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Past SPE Annual Conferences

2009 SPE Annual ConferenceSpeakers

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Tom P. Ashe

Tom P. Ashe

Thursday, March 26, 2009 @ 12:00pm, Gold Room

"Digital Color Management in Contemporary Photography"

Tom P. Ashe is a photographer, consultant, adjunct professor and Associate Chair of the Master of Digital Photography program at the School of the Visual Arts. He received his BS from RIT and his MS... read more

Jesus "Chuy" Benitez is a photographic artist/educator who
has dedicated himself to capturing Mexican American culture
and community. He is originally from El Paso, TX, has his BA
in studio photography from University of Notre... read more

Paula Bollers

Friday, March 27, 2009 @ 3:00am, Pavilion Room

"Where We At? Patterns of Visibility in Suburban Space"

Paula Bollers was born in Hackensack, NJ. She obtained her BA
from Johns Hopkins University majoring in Political Theory. In
2001, she received a BFA from the School of Visual Arts, NY.
She began her... read more

Deborah Bright

Saturday, March 28, 2009 @ 1:00pm, Parisian Room

"Photography Journals and Cultural Debate"

Deborah Bright is head of the Photography Department at
Rhode Island School of Design. Her edited book, The Passionate
Camera, was published by Routledge in 1998. Bright is on the
editorial board of the journal... read more

Jeff Brouws is a self-taught photographer and self-described
armchair cultural anthropologist. He has four monographs in
print, is represented by major galleries across the country, and
has work in collections at the Whitney, Getty, LACMA,... read more

Susan Carr is a Chicago-based photographer and has been in business for over twenty years. Her photographs are included in corporate and private collections, most notably the Pfizer Corporation and the Museum of Contemporary Photography.... read more

Gary Cialdella

Saturday, March 28, 2009 @ 10:00am, Pavilion Room

"The Calumet Region: An American Place"

Gary Cialdella earned his MFA from the University of Notre
Dame and MA in history from Western Michigan University. He
is a professional photographer and educator. His work is exhibited
widely, including the Art Institute... read more

Victoria Clary

Saturday, March 28, 2009 @ 10:00am, Oak Room

"Off Northwest"

Victoria Clary is a photography graduate student at Texas
A&M-Commerce and holds a BFA from Kansas City Art Institute.
She teaches design and photography at Art Institute of Dallas.
Victoria was a magazine art director,... read more

Justine Cooper

Justine Cooper

Friday, March 27, 2009 @ 9:00am, Parisian Room

"Art in the House of Science"

Justine Cooper uses a variety of imaging methods, including MRIs, large format photography, video, animation, and online media to explore the frictions found in the public and private ways the disciplines of science and medicine... read more

Steve Dietz

Steve Dietz

Friday, March 27, 2009 @ 4:30pm, International Ballroom

"The New Toposgraphics: Documenting the Hertzian City"

Steve Dietz is the Artistic Director of the 01SJ Biennial in San Jose, CA, the largest festival of art at the intersection of technology in North America, and Executive Director of Northern Lights, a Twin... read more

Ruth Dusseault is artist-in-residence at Georgia Tech's College
of Architecture. Her work explores utopian modernity and its
various manifestations in the urban environment. It is exhibited
and collected internationally. She has received over a dozenread more

Aspen Mays and AnnieLaurie Erickson are artists and
educators who met as MFA students at the School of the Art
Institute of Chicago. Aspen holds a BA in Anthropology from
the University of North Carolina... read more

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