Saturday, March 28 - 10:00AM to 10:45AM
Gold Room
The Tar Creek Superfund Site in Oklahoma is the largest and
most heavily polluted toxic site in the country. At least half
of the polluted land is on one of a dozen Indian reservations.
The towns of Cardin and Picher (both at the epicenter of the problem) are being relocated out of harms way, a solution that is
at odds with the indigenous peoples who, for the most part, want
to stay and demand that their land be cleaned up.
Wascovich is interested in exploring the conceptual and personal
themes of landscape photography, of trying to understand the
relationship of land and its people, the social, physical and emotional
implications of living in a compromised environment, the
idea of a sense of place, and "home."
Dialogue and critique are important to the SPE mission.
Please join the conversation.