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2025 Annual Conference


March 06-08, 2025

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Past SPE Annual Conferences

Europe Chapter

Message from the Chair

Valencia, Spain, 5/6 October 2017,

Should photography be recognized as a degree subject in Spain?

About 100 photo educators, doctoral and master students gathered at Universitat- Politecnica de Valencia, October 5/6, for a conference on Photography Education. The two-day event included research presentations, and a book launch for Fotografía en España (1839-2015): historia, tendencias, estéticas by Carmelo Vega (Editiones Cátedra, Madrid, 2017). Photo education and pedagogy was central to the agenda and there was discussion of provision and organizations elsewhere, including SPE, APHE UK, and the 'Helsinki School', Aalto University, Finland.

As in USA, in Spain photography is taught in both public and private universities, and in professional schools. It is not offered as a degree course in its own right; rather, it forms an element within programs such as Fine Art, Art History, Communications and Media Studies. One outcome of the conference is that Spanish educators will appeal collectively to the Ministry of Education to authorize photography as a university subject in its own right. In effect, they are gathering together as an association of Spanish photo educators. Watch this space!

Posted by Liz Wells, SPE Board.

11 October 2017

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