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Past SPE Annual Conferences

Sarah Cusimano Miles

Cusimano Miles

SPE Member since 2008
Member Chapter: South Central

Sarah Cusimano Miles

SPE member since 2008
Lilac-breasted roller (Coracias caudate) with kumquats
Pigmented ink print

Sarah Cusimano Miles

SPE member since 2008
Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) with artichoke
Pigmented ink print

Sarah Cusimano Miles

SPE member since 2008
Goliath Heron (Ardea goliath) with pomegranate and specimen
Pigmented ink print

Sarah Cusimano Miles

SPE member since 2008
Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) with specimens
Pigmented ink print

Sarah Cusimano Miles

SPE member since 2008
Copper Pheasants (Syrmaticus soemmeringii) with apricots
Pigmented ink print

Sarah Cusimano Miles

SPE member since 2008
American Bitterns (Botaurus lentiginosus) with rose
Pigmented ink print

Sarah Cusimano Miles

SPE member since 2008
Barbary Sheep (Ammotragus lervia)
Pigmented ink print

Sarah Cusimano Miles

SPE member since 2008
Pangolin (Manis gigantean) with garlic
Pigmented ink print

Sarah Cusimano Miles

SPE member since 2008
Puffer Fish (83.12.4) specimen
Pigmented ink print

Sarah Cusimano Miles

SPE member since 2008
Unlabeled fish specimen
Pigmented ink print


Sarah Cusimano Miles is a Professor at Jacksonville State University in Alabama where she is an exhibiting artist, photographer, and educator. Her work has been published and exhibited in venues both national and international, from the Alabama Museum of Natural History to the Borges Cultural Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, as well as being in a number of collections. She has also received awards from the National Society for Photographic Education, the Center for Fine Art Photography, the Worldwide Photography Gala, PhotoNOLA, and Photolucida. She has a BFA from Jacksonville State University, and a BS in Psychology and an MFA in Photography from the University of Alabama.

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