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Past SPE Annual Conferences

Sarah Ann Austin-Bagley

SPE Member since 2012
Member Chapter: Southeast


Left is about the reality of my life and the people in it, people I will be loosing, leaving, and have lost. This project has become a realm where my life is displayed for others to experience. I create work that connects the realities in my life to the personal experience and reverence of the viewer. Weighing the collision of life's circumstances, I live for creating work that is both universal and respectful, with regards to my own personal growth as an artist. This series is only a chapter on my grandmother, as part of an extended project. Making photographs to allow myself and the viewer to linger a little longer within an image, making me look for or create moments that are at once familiar, yet unexpected. The odd juxtapositions that we find in life are worth exploring, whether it is with sadness, humor, compassion, or by simply taking the time to see them. These images were made in 2012 as a part of a 20 image series, using 35mm film and scanned digitally to share online and printed various sizes for display. The use of film in my most recent work has given the images a physical relationship with the viewer and a chance to look into the real imprint of its reality, with less doubt than digital. The image is associated then only with the moment that it came into existence and its space shared in time. The film is now a new physical space for its existence beyond the moment in front of the lens.

Left Series #1

Left Series #2

Left Series #3

Left Series #4

Left Series #5

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