Take advantage of automatic enrollment in your affiliated chapter. While each of the eight chapters are unique, they all provide local conferences, networking opportunites, and other benefits to serve the special needs of their constituency. You can also volunteer to serve as a chapter leader.
Chair Elena Volkova
Vice Chair/Secretary Ally Christmas
Treasurer Ashley Moog
contact Mid-Atlantic
Chair Rachel Cox
Vice Chair/Secretary Emily Wiethorn
Treasurer Christopher Schneberger
contact Midwest
Chair Joe Hocker
Vice Chair/Secretary Michael Zuhorski
Treasurer Sidian Liu
Chair Marcus DeSieno
Vice Chair/Secretary Ryan Parker
Treasurer Heather McKenney
contact Northwest
Chair Amanda Breitbach
Vice Chair/Secretary Carol Record
Treasurer Humna Raza
contact South Central
Chair Sam Hughes
Vice Chair/Secretary Ralph Watkins
Treasurer Stephanie Dowda DeMer
contact Southeast
Chair Ariel Wilson
Vice Chair/Secretary Julia Martin
Treasurer Daniel George
contact Southwest
Chair Christopher Kern
Vice Chair/Secretary Derek Novaes
Treasurer Devin Bruce
contact West
California Museum of Photography
- Riverside, California | November 06 - November 08, 2025
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